The Billigste Strøm Sources In The World


19 August 2023



Only 10 years ago, it was far cheaper to construct new coal or gas plants than solar and wind projects, but all that has changed.

There are various strategies you can employ to reduce your electricity bills, including using less energy, enrolling in smart meter programs, and making your home more energy-efficient.


Moving water is one of the world’s primary renewable sources. Large-scale hydroelectric power generation involves damming rivers or other structures to create pools of water at higher elevations, then when electricity is required it is released through a series of pipes known as penstocks into lower reservoirs where it turns turbines that generate electricity.

Mechanical energy generated from spinning turbines is converted to alternating current by transformers and then sent out for delivery across long distances to homes and businesses. Water’s power can also be harnessed for tidal energy generation, using rising and falling tides to power hydraulic turbines similar to those seen at hydroelectric dams.

On an international scale, hydroelectricity is widely considered one of the cheapest sources of power production, second only to fossil fuels. This is why eco-conscious energy consumers choose hydroelectric power, when possible. You can click the link: https://bestestrø for more information. Comparing rates can help ensure you find the best rates.

On a local level, run-of-river and small hydroelectric projects are much less costly, providing energy to remote regions which cannot afford the high upfront costs associated with large-scale dam and reservoir systems. Furthermore, such projects may even be funded directly by their beneficiary communities and produce surplus energy for sale to other users at an additional profit.

Hydroelectricity’s main drawback lies in the disruption it can have on water flow. Dams can trap debris that would normally travel downstream, leading to siltation in reservoirs that reduce power production by the dams, and therefore less power can be generated overall.

Hydroelectricity is widely utilized around the globe to generate clean electricity, with China, Brazil, and India as major producers. Some of the largest dams worldwide – such as the Three Gorges Dam which holds back the Yangtze River – also function as hydroelectric facilities. You can click the link: to learn more.

Pumped storage plant hydroelectric power is another type of hydroelectric facility, employing similar principles as traditional hydroelectric facilities but storing energy by pumping water uphill from lower elevation pools to reservoirs at higher altitudes, then pushing it back down through penstock pipes at the same elevation where turbines spin to generate electricity.


Geothermal energy is an abundant and renewable source of heat that can be harnessed to produce electricity without emitting harmful emissions, and at an extremely competitive cost compared to fossil fuels. Furthermore, unlike many renewables like wind power or solar PV panels, geothermal produces power 24 hours a day, making it a reliable source of power that helps control energy costs and serves as a viable replacement option.

Geothermal energy production utilizes underground heat and steam reserves. To harness it, wells are drilled into the earth to pump hot water or steam from deep within to the surface which is then used to turn a turbine and generate electricity, or directly heat homes, greenhouses, and other buildings.

Flash steam plants offer the cheapest method of energy generation from this source. These facilities take high-pressure, hot water from underground and pump it up to the surface via pipes with low-pressure tanks in them, where it quickly transforms to vapor, driving a turbine. Any leftover water in these low-pressure tanks can then be “flashed” again for extra energy extraction.

Enhance Geothermal Systems (EGS) are a relatively recent technology that can enable technicians to tap into Earth’s abundant underground resources. You can visit this helpful site to learn more. EGS utilizes drilling, fracturing, and injection techniques to create thermal energy reservoirs in areas without current heat or steam sources but which are still permeable – tapping into an abundance of geothermal energy that’s been lying dormant until now!

Geothermal energy offers many advantages over its alternative forms, not least being its lack of weather-dependent output, making it an excellent baseload renewable option. Geothermal is particularly suitable for regions experiencing extreme climate and frequent power outages.

Unfortunately, however, geothermal extraction of underground water may trigger earthquakes, release toxic gasses into the environment, disrupt local ecosystems, and lead to thermal pollution if it is not managed effectively.


At half a million dollars per panel, solar power was not initially cost-competitive with fossil fuels. However, its technology survived and now provides one of the least costly sources of energy ever available to humanity.

This incredible feat is due to a simple but powerful process: each time a solar PV plant is constructed, its costs decrease due to experience and learning from mistakes accumulated during the build process. This phenomenon is known as the economy of scale effect and can be found across various manufacturing industries.

Technology advances and government incentives have significantly driven down the costs associated with solar power, making installation more affordable for many consumers.

Leasing agreements and power purchase agreements (PPAs) help to mitigate upfront costs, making a switch more feasible for some individuals and households. Federal tax credits and some incentive programs can further help minimize upfront investments required when installing a home or commercial systems.

Other than its virtuous learning cycle, solar has seen its prices decrease due to various other factors: economies of scale as factories manufacture more panels; increased R&D efforts and engineering advancements that improve efficiency; lower production costs for raw materials as mining and processing become more cost effective; better batteries for systems that use them; operational experience with modules lasting longer; market competition etc.

The bottom line is that solar power now rivals coal and gas in terms of economic efficiency if given sufficient policy support, making it one of the cheapest sources available today.

With the right policies in place, solar can make carbon neutrality possible by 2050 – or earlier according to some forecasts.


Wind energy production is among the cheapest sources of power generation available today, driven by both decreasing fossil fuel costs and technological developments.

Furthermore, its production costs have been driven down significantly thanks to environmental-friendliness: unlike fossil fuels which produce pollution or greenhouse gasses, wind doesn’t generate pollution or greenhouse gasses at all, making it an incredibly powerful energy source that makes an ideal choice for power production.

Wind currently is priced at only 2-6 cents per kilowatt hour in Europe which makes it significantly cheaper than alternatives such as natural gas or coal!

One of the reasons this energy source is so affordable is that wind turbines can be quickly installed without relying on costly infrastructure like power lines. Furthermore, wind power requires no ongoing maintenance costs and has proven its worth as an energy source in multiple countries across the world.

Before selecting the most cost-effective energy solution for your home or business, it is vitally important to compare costs associated with different forms of power generation. An accurate way of doing this is using levelized cost of energy (LCOE) analysis – this tool uses all costs associated with power plants over their lifespan and divides them evenly among their megawatt-hour output; making LCOE analysis one of the most accurate ways of comparing costs across energy types.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the cost of electricity from a wind farm depends on numerous factors – these can include wind speeds in an area, support from government bodies, and whether there is already infrastructure in place. Furthermore, the energy produced can vary based on weather conditions.

Clean energy provides electricity without polluting our environment in the same way fossil fuels do, thus increasing economic growth, improving national energy independence, and protecting public health by reducing harmful emissions. Thus transitioning towards clean energy is vitally important.

Clean energy is cost-effective. As technology for solar, wind, and hydropower continues to become more cost-efficient, building new clean energy projects has become more economical. At present, renewables cost less than half as much as coal-generated power generation.

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Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favourite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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Flow Meters

Basic Knowledge on Flow Meters

In ancient history, resources are abundant, but with the fast-growing population of the earliest civilization, it’s either compromise or face the wrath of bloody conquest. Flow meters are widely used equipment that can create miracles in the 21st Century.  To avoid bloodshed, the earliest civilization were civilized enough to meet an agreement regarding everything, and this would include water resources. Flow meters can make things easier for you. It can help you to achieve your goals. The wisest engineers of their time created a way to distribute the water from a nearby river equitably. They aim to justifiably distribute enough water to each city with accordance to their population’s needs. Thus, given only the flow of the river and with the help of mathematics, they strategically developed a way to measure the amount of distribution of water in the aqueducts of each city. The answer to their problem is flow measurement or flow meter. Up to this day, this system and the works are still applicable to our modern day plumbing and has helped engineers throughout the globe in flow measurement challenges. Essential Factors To Know About Flow Meters   There are several essential factors that you need to consider about the flow meters while you want to get the things done in the correct order. Flow Measurement Importance: Typically, in a household setting, this is very much needed to regulate gas or water flow through installation or fixing. In layman’s term, it helps your plumber troubleshoot with your clogged sink or toilet. But for mass production factories, engineers like chemical, mechanical and application engineers use this to understand what went wrong, how to maximize production, if the process is accurate. Flow measurement is essential to have a smooth-flowing operation of their products. What is Flow Meter? The most basic stuff you need to know about flow measurement is flow meter. Basically, this is an instrument that measures volumetric flow (Q) denoted in a unit of cubic meters per second, linear or nonlinear mass indicated by kilograms, pounds, etc.. A typical flow meter design would include parts like paddlewheel sensor, locknut, built-in temperature sensor, and pipe tee. Flow Meter Appropriation: There are all sorts of type of flow meters available in the market, but you can’t just buy one and try it on the operation. Unless you know what you are doing and you were told to buy so, other than that, you won’t have a problem. Though having a lot of options for this instrument is liberating, this is also a disadvantage for personnel. Personnel should know how a particular device works to avoid miscalculations. Staff should also be knowledgeable for recalibration if needed. Staff should also be prepared for casual maintenance. There’s a lot more to consider like fixing the instrument, etc. The flow meter should be chosen wisely to reduce expenses. Guidelines When Choosing a Flow Meter: What fluid do you intend to measure? How viscous is the liquid you intend to measure? Do you also want a rate measurement? Which do you prefer a primary local display on your instrument or electronic signal output? What are the limitations of your chosen instrument based on flow rate, temperature, and pressure? Will the liquid not dissolve your instrument? Common Types of Flow Meter: Ultrasonic Flow Meter: If you intend in using this instrument is waste waters or other dirty fluids; ultrasonic flow meter is more applicable in this kind of areas. The Doppler Effect or the frequency shift is necessary during operations to harness suspended particles and gas bubbles at large. Variable Area Flow Meter: Also called Rotameters, this flow meter is a low cost and a simple instrument efficient for liquid and gas flow measurement. It also displays a wide rangeability of flow measurement, low-pressure drop, and linear output. Vortex Meters: If you want an instrument that quickly detects sudden fluctuations in process conditions or turbine meters, this flow meter is what you are looking for. Vortex meter possesses a low sensitivity quality to variation in the operation. This type also is available in many sizes and doesn’t sting in the wallet; that is why many users prefer it. Spring and Piston Flow Meter: This type somewhat looks likes a rotameters because of the tapered tube, used in both instruments. It must be situated in the no-flow position through a calibrated spring. This is more preferred than rotameters because it is user-friendly and economically friendly. It can also transmit electrical signals, and the design is much simpler. Paddlewheel Sensors: It is the most popular flow meter for water and water-like substances, but it is essential to check the compatibility of the fluid to be measured and the sensor.  The rotor of this instrument is situated perpendicularly to the flow; thus, a better opportunity for personnel to avoid contact in case of toxic fluid is measured. Turbine Flow Meter: This instrument gives an accurate reading for the flow measurement, providing only a 0.5 probability of error. The Turbine Flow meter looks like a paddlewheel sensor with the rotor perpendicularly situated to the flow and is hanged in the fluid stream. Due to its accuracy, it is highly recommendable if the liquid to be measured is made of clean and viscous liquid. Read Also: Four Basic Types Of Water Flow Meters Tools Used In Building Surveying Add Accuracy To Your Testing With The Help Of Multimeter

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Highlighting the Benefits of Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal directional drilling is a relatively new practice for installing pipes and cables underground. Many other practices like Rotary Drilling exist but here we will talk about directional drilling. Although the more conventional method of open trenching is still relevant today, directional drilling is slowly becoming a preferred process due to its inherent benefits. Most projects involving laying pipelines for utilities and cables for telecommunication face the challenge of obstruction and limited work area, hence the need to minimize the disturbance while at the same time ensure that the pipes installed are sturdy and high-quality. What is horizontal directional drilling? The simplest way to understand the process of directional drilling is the use of a special rig to create an underground borehole to produce a path where pipes will be installed. This special rig consists of a drill head with an automatic tracking device which allows the operator to navigate the pre-set route underground. Drilling fluid gets added in as the drill bit passes through the soil, to prevent the hole from collapsing. After the drill bit exits the pilot borehole, a reamer gets pulled back to increase the borehole diameter. Once the desired width is reached, piping gets pulled back into the hole for final installation. Benefits of horizontal directional drilling: There are many horizontal directional drilling companies today that engage in this trade because it is always in demand. The following are the benefits of choosing directional drilling over the conventional trenching method to install pipes. Pipeline durability. The precise process of installing pipes using directional drilling prevents damage during installation. Horizontal directional drilling also allows for installing pipes under rivers, highways, and driveways which minimizes exposure to elements that may lead to wear and tear. Faster pipe installation. Perhaps one of the most notable benefits of horizontal directional drilling is how it cuts down the time needed to complete a project. With less ground disturbance, it won’t take long to fix the job site, and you won’t need as many workers as you would when you need to dig an open trench. Faster work also means less upfront cost for the contractor. Thus, if you can reduce operational expenses, you can increase profit margins in return. Better for the environment. If you are installing pipes in a residential area, homeowners are often concerned with the amount of disruption to the landscape. This is not the case with directional drilling. Although there is still some disturbance, it is only minimal and quickly restored. The process does not contaminate soil and groundwater as much as open trenching does. Directional drilling also helps preserve the environment and protect rock formations and bodies of water such as rivers and streams. Flexibility in project locations. Installing pipes underneath concrete sidewalks and densely populated cities is not an issue if you employ directional drilling. In fact, directional drilling was designed to address the challenge of working on challenging locations with above-ground obstructions. In the past, it would be virtually impossible to imagine or perhaps too costly to install pipes in the most challenging urban settings. But nowadays, directional drilling makes all of these possible which is why it has revolutionized the utility industry within the last several decades. Read Also: Cordless Impact Drill – How To Choose The Best One Guide To Choose An Authentic Plumber Service Company

train AI

World’s biggest chip will help train AI.

The tech world heard one of its biggest announcements, courtesy of Cerebral Systems. The Los Altos based tech manufacturer announced that created the world’s most powerful processor. In terms of comparisons, the Cerebras’s new processor is faster, stronger and bigger than anyone of its competitors, including Nvidia. Even though this was big news, the company did not stop there. Known for its hardware capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, it announced the creation of a specialized server for the chip, which would be solely directed at enabling, improving and building different AI capabilities and applications. The new chip from Cerebral has been titled as the ‘Wafer Scale Engine’. Just to give you a quick glimpse of its might and processing prowess, the company claims that in terms of mere comparisons, the WSE is nearly fifty-seven times mightier than Nvidia’s biggest offering. This means that the world has never seen a General Processing Unit (GPU) on the scale of the WSE. As the chip is expected to power strong AI-based applications, it boasts of 3000x on-chip memory capabilities. The new chip is expected to churn terabytes of data with ease. Its main application will be in cloud servers and large-scale SaaS businesses. Cerebral CEO, Andrew Feldman told Data Center Knowledge that the major applications of the new WSE chip will enable tech businesses to take their AI capabilities to the next level. The Founder of former chip company Sea Micro (Feldman sold the same to AMD for a record $334 Million in 2012) told the journal that this is the most revolutionary chip that has come out from any of the major manufacturers in recent times. Does size matter?  Semiconductor companies of the world have spent decades developing ever tinier chips. These can be combined to create super-powerful processors, thus why create a standalone AI mega-chip? According to Cerebral, the answer is that hooking lots of small chips together creates delays that slow down training of AI models causing a vast industry bottleneck. The company’s chip binds 400,000 cores or parts that operate processing which is tightly linked to one another to speed up data-crunching. It can also transfer data between memory and processing extremely fast. Fault tolerance:  But if this incredible chip is going to overcome the AI world, it will have to show that it can overcome some significant hurdles. One of these is in manufacturing. If contaminants sneak into a wafer being used to assemble lots of tiny chips, few of these may not be affected by impurity; but if there’s just one mega-chip on a cracker, the entire thing may have to be damaged severely. Cerebral alleges it’s found innovative ways to assure that contaminants won’t endanger a whole chip, but we don’t yet know if these will work in quantity production. Power play:  Another difficulty is energy performance. AI chips are spectacularly power-hungry, which has both economic and environmental assumptions. Shifting data between lots of tiny AI chips is a massive power suck, so Cerebras should have an asset here. If it can help solve this energy challenge, then the startup’s chip could determine that for AI, big silicon is pretty. Cerebral has done its homework when it comes to the WSE. Before making the announcement, the company has already started working with some companies with regard to the chip’s AI capabilities. CEO Feldman was proud of the fact that the next-gen chip would be particularly helpful in enabling researchers in several fields including those studying neural networks to make the most of this next-gen technology. In other words, the impact of this chip for the next levels of human advancements would be huge, to say the least. The principal analyst of Tritias Research, Kevin Krewell stated that these are interesting and exciting times for the industry. With Cerebral pushing the boundaries of what is possible in chip development and advancement. Several technologies and studies, which were limited and curtailed till now, would be able to power through with the help of WSE Read Also: How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Banking And Financial Institutions? New Technologies And Consumer Protection 6 Software Technologies That Will Dominate 2018